Breed-SpecificĀ Support for you and yourĀ Border Collie


Here at DingBatt Dog Training we're on a mission to support you and your Border Collie.

We provide specialist online training uniquely tailored for Border Collies.

Hi! I'm Sarah

Iā€™m a dog trainer and I specialise in working with owners of Border Collies, and their crosses.

Iā€™m a Certified Control Unleashed Instructor, Real Dog Yoga instructor and Force Free Trick Trainer with over 4 years of experience.
It is my mission to help Border Collies be better understood. Through understanding the breed and approaching training from a breed specific view we can make the world a better place for this genius breed.

I can’t begin to express the deep transformation that occurred in every aspect of my life

Rebecca Night

The Border Collie Academy

A monthly membership providing kind and effective Border Collie specific training in a supportive community where you will have your Border Collie questions answered.

There are monthly themed topics, live training, Q&A sessions and personalised support in our community group. We have regular training challenges so plenty to keep you training!


Attention! 30 Days to a more Engaged Dog

Are you fed up with your dog running off, ignoring you when you call, jumping all over people and generally making life difficult?

This 30 day challenge is a perfect way to start building a better bond with your dog. These exercises will fit easily into your day and won't take up too much time!


Teach Your Collie to be Calm

Learn to Calm Your Collie and Have a Happy Dog Without Having to Spend Hours Training Each Day.

In this training you will learn how to teach your dog to settle, skills to help them stay calm in the presence of other dogs or people and techniques to lower his arousal levels. 


Understand Your Border Collie

If you have ever wondered 'Why does my Border Collie...?' then this training is for you. 

During this training we geek out on this genius breed & by understanding them better we can enrich their lives. In this training we uncover common training mistakes and why your Border Collie may be so misunderstood. 


Grab your FREE Enrichment Guide!

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