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The Border Collie Academy


Discover how to transform your DingBatt Border Collie into a Dreamboat so you can proudly walk the best trained dog in the park.


Using proven, breed specific, step by step training to get you started straight away.

Join the Academy

Proudly Own The BEST Dog In The Park

Does your heart sink when it's time to take your dog for a walk?


  • The pulling on the lead, the unpredictability of lunging and barking at passing cars and then the sheer dread of actually meeting another person.
  • It isn't safe to let him off lead and he needs to be able to run.
  • Walks are draining, embarassing and raising your stress levels!


If you love your dog and know there is a good dog in there really, even if he is hiding that part of him at the moment, it is likely you just need to learn together and 'fix the faulty off switch'.

Helping people, like you, through these issues is why I pieced together the framework that I now base all of my training around. The framework that has helped many others now too.

As I turned my own DingBatt into a Dreamboat it became my mission to help others achieve this much more quickly. To relieve the stress in both the dog's and their owners lives. Remember if your dog is giving you a hard time they are having a hard time themselves.

And more specifically than helping dog owners, I help Border Collies and their owners. Because understanding Collies breed specific needs has played a big part of the picture in my training programmes and is often the root cause of behaviour that is being missed.


Anything IS possible

So what if I told you it IS possible to enjoy walks with your Collie!


Imagine a walk where:

  • You dog looks at you and waits for you to shut your door,

  • They walk beautifully on a loose lead to the park where you let him off lead to run

  • Knowing you can recall him at any point in time, with the distractions of people, dogs, children playing football.

  • Others comment as they wish their dog was as well behaved.

  • And when you get home he settles for the evening and lets you watch the TV in peace.

  • If someone comes to the door he may bark once or twice but then again settles calmly when your friends come to visit or you speak to the person at the door.

  • He gazes lovingly at you fully satisfied with his day and is the best companion in the world.  


This is what sharing your life with a Dreamboat is all about. The companionship and mutual love and respect for each other.



The Border Collie Academy

Discover how to train your Dreamboat Collie and proudly own the best dog in the park.

The Academy provides kind and effective Collie specific training in a supportive community for lasting results.

You will learn to understand what drives your Collie at their core to help supercharge your training and help you achieve the results of your dreams.

The Border Collie Academy is a membership for a community of Collie lovers where you can be supported on your journey. We take the stress out of your training while transforming your dog into the perfect companion, your Dreamboat. THE BEST DOG IN THE PARK.

There are monthly themed topics that the community will vote on to choose, 24/7 access, live training and Q&A's to ensure you get the personalised help you need.


You will get INSTANT ACCESS to:


  • Teach Your Collie To Be Calm And Focussed (value £29) to restore peace to your household
  •  Impulse Control Module (value £79) so your Collie starts to look to you for guidance rather than doing what he wants
  • Loose Lead Legends (value £79) to encourage a calmer mindset in your dog while also protecting your shoulders!
  • Recall for DingBatts (value £79) so you can allow your dog freedom while staying safe.
  • New Beginnings (value £29) to help break down your goals into achievable steps
  • Car Chasing to Calm (value £100) for safe and relaxing road walks
  •  Challenge Trainings (£17) so you can revisit the basics and build your understanding of the breed.
  •  Advent Calendar 2020 and 2021 (value £79 each) 24 activities and tricks to do with your dog
  • also Heelwork, Reactive DingBatts, Perfect Walks, Working with other dogs and Star Student
  • DingBatts Unleashed (value £120) training based on the Control Unleashed system.
  • Sensational Scent work (value £79) teach your Collie to use his brain through the use of his nose.
  •  Let's Play (value £79) to build relationships.
  • Powerful Proofing (value £79) so your training works in the real world.
  • Crate Training (value £29) to help your dog feel comfortable if they need to be restricted to a crate
  •  Gait and Lameness (value £99) so you can learn how to recognise early signs of abnormal gait
  •  Voluntary Handling (£100) to help build your dogs confidence for grooming, handling and vet visits
  •  Hot Seat Trainings (invaluable) in depth deep dive trainings for specific issues
  •  Facebook Community (value priceless) to share your wins with like-minded people, ask questions & get specific feedback on any videos you wish to share. 


Get immediate access to all the self-paced community when you enroll in The Border Collie Academy



Bark Busters

A game for peace and quiet! (value £79)

The Herding Game

Enrichment to fully satisfy herding needs (value £37)

How to film & analyse your training

 to get the most from each session (value £29)


  • Discounts on trick titles and other courses
  • Can book 121 training sessions
  • First chance to book on any in person Collie weekend workshops and camps

AND, yes there is even more! 

  • Weekly Facebook Lives where you will get live training and the opportunity to ask specific questions to help you progress.
  • Post videos for specific personalised feedback at any time within the group
  • Monthly Hot Seat deep dives into one members training issues (this could be you!)
  • Mind Maps for clarity in your training
  • Training plans to help you succeed

Why now is the RIGHT TIME to join The Border Collie Academy


You deserve to enjoy ALL aspects of your Collie

It's not safe for your dog to chase cars....

Your Collie deserves to be understood and listened too

You deserve to share your life with a Dreamboat

Sharing your life with a Dreamboat is living your best life

The longer you delay the more expert your Collie will become at unwanted behaviour

"One of our happiest days together."

Yesterday was just a dream day due to my dreamboat. I went to a beach I hadn't been to before, to meet a few friends and their dogs. A few months ago I would have been so stressed about this. But he was incredible, had two perfect whistle recalls and he never once got the look in his eye where you can tell he's bored and is about to bolt.  A long way to go but I think this was one of our happiest days together. Wouldn't have been possible without our guru Sarah Hedderly.

Monthly Membership!

£45 per month

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Pay Annually and Save!

£450 Annually

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"Amazing learning space with so much information and support from Sarah."

We have only been in the Academy for a few months. I was reflecting this week on what an amazing learning space it is with so much information and support from Sarah as well as from other members. It is such a space space with no judgement and with so much respect for both Sarah and other members throughout their wins and challenges. Congratualtions on what you have created Sarah Hedderly. It is a rare find in today's virtual world and you should be so proud.

Hi, I'm Sarah Hedderly


I’m a dog trainer and I specialise in working with owners of Border Collies, and their crosses.

I’m a Certified Control Unleashed Instructor, Real Dog Yoga instructor and Force Free Trick Trainer with over 4 years of experience.

I know what it’s like to dream of having a dog you can take anywhere, enjoy walking and have an amazing bond with. 

My dogs have been my biggest teachers. Mini is a sensitive soul who needs her training broken down into the tiniest of steps. Ding is a child genius who needs clear direction and enough stimulation to keep his busy brain satisfied. They have both made me read, learn and find new ways. 

From this I developed my new framework ‘DingBatt to Dreamboat’. DingBatt came to me as a rescue with very challenging behaviour. And if you haven't heard there's a new kid on the block, my baby Beau who is a typical movement sensitive Border Collie. You can follow his progress inside of the Academy. 


A unique methodology to turn your crazy, car chasing Collie into a wonderful, calm companion.

Join me inside The Border Collie Academy


Still have questions about whether The Border Collie Academy is for you?

Email [email protected]