Want to have more fun with your dog?
Learn how to teach your dog 30 new tricks with this video training which gives you step by step instructions.

Earn trick titles whilst having fun with your dog.

Tricks are great for providing mental stimulation for your dog.

A fun way to keep your training on track and add some new challenges into your training plan.

Build an amazing relationship as you work together to master the tricks.
More about Trick Dog Training
In this video course, there are three levels of DingBatt Trick Titles:
🐶 Rookie
🐶 Uber Dude
🐶 Ninja
Each level builds on the one before and get progressively more challenging.
Each trick is broken down into easy to follow, step by step instructions. Making it easy for you to follow along and teach your dog a new trick!

Rookie Tricks
Give a paw
Leave it
Ring a bell
Hand touch
Uber Dude Tricks
Fetch your lead
Take cover
3 hand signals
Hoop jump
Target stick
Paws up
Push ups
3 verbal cues
Right & left
Ninja Tricks
Send around
Figure 8
Roll over
Chin target
On your mat
Crossed Paws
Push a ball
Hop on
Paws up on Arm
5 second hold
6 hand signals
Completing Trick Dog Training Titles
By completing this training it also allows you to earn our Trick Dog Title.
Should you wish to enter a trick dog titles, you would submit your trick videos for review. If you pass, you'll be awarded the title and certificate.
Trick submissions incur a small extra fee and you do not have to enter. you can just have fun learning the tricks!
Your dog will love working this closely with you and want to learn more and more!
Focus & Attention
Tricks are another great way to provide a mental workout for your dogs and keep them focused on you!
Alternative exercise
This is a great way to exercise a dog when the weather is too hot, too cold, or too wet!
Enjoy having such a talented & Clever Border Collie to entertain your family and friends.
Hi, I'm Sarah Hedderly
Meet Your Trainer
I’m a dog trainer and I specialise in working with owners of Border Collies, and their crosses.
I’m a Certified Control Unleashed Instructor, Real Dog Yoga instructor and Force Free Trick Trainer with over 4 years of experience.
I know what it’s like to dream of having a dog you can take anywhere, enjoy walking and have an amazing bond with.
My dogs have been my biggest teachers. Mini is a sensitive soul who needs her training broken down into the tiniest of steps. Ding is a child genius who needs clear direction and enough stimulation to keep his busy brain satisfied. They have both made me read, learn and find new ways.
Tricks have played a huge part in teaching my own dogs and working with their behaviour.
Teaching tricks to Mini taught her how to learn and gave her the confidence she needed in training. With Ding it gave him mental stimulation that he needed while we were working on his more challenging behaviours.